Having a cold. Having a cold and wanting a Subway sandwich. Having a cold and having a Subway sandwich, but not being able to taste it. Having a cold and not being able to taste the Subway sandwich, but still being able to taste the nasty, icky stick-um on the backs of envelopes. (((sigh)))
This is my daughter and I, with our new little ones, born just five days apart. You can see that Lucy has a bit of jaundice, but it doesn't seem to be bothering her. Love the under-eye circles--not.
This is Sophie, bringing me what's left over from my Subway sandwich, shortly after Lucy was born, June '07. Food never tastes as good as it does right after having a baby. Yum!
I'm pretty sure this is from the night she was born, but I'm kind of confused, because she was born at 11:25, and the clock on my nightstand says 11:00. But I don't always remember to change my clock right away for Daylight Savings, so that might explain it!