Sunday, September 7, 2008

The Birthday Boy

Five years ago, at 12:43pm, on a Sunday just like today, Benjamin Thomas came into this world and into our family. It was our first home-birth-- fast, incredibly intense, but blessedly problem-free. He has been a little fireball ever since, an imaginitive, outgoing, snuggly, Smiley Jones. His brother's best pal, his little sister's favorite Protector. Always ready for a game of swashbuckling pirates or cowboys and Indians. My little Sunshine, my Benjy Bear. We love you, Mr. Boy!

These are a few of Ben's favorite things:

favorite color: blue
favorite Bible story: Moses in the bullrushes
favorite number: five (of course)
favorite song: "Mystery Lifeguard"
favorite toy: scooter
favorite stuffed animal: his puppy, Jerry
favorite food: mac and cheese
favorite book: Cowboy Sam
favorite item of clothing: "I love my camouflage vest"
favorite dessert: Oreo cake
favorite imaginary friend: Jacob
favorite outside activity: trampoline

favorite game: The Night Game, in which James, Maggie and Ben gather just before bed, on James' (top) bunk, and take turns putting on plays for each other.
favorite vacation: camping at Lopez Lake
favorite thing to do with Dad: play football
favorite thing about Jesus: "He made all of us"

He's a pretty cool kid, if I do say so myself.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Dirty Happy Baby

I tried making the pic smaller, but then you couldn't see all the dirt on my happy baby.
*Winsome mamas let their babies get dirty.*

Friday, August 29, 2008

Mama's Little House Brownie

After Maggie had her bath today, she got dressed in a brown tee, and a brown-plaid jumper from our favorite online shop, Then she tied on one of my aprons before coming to help her Mama fix supper. The resulting combination was so charming that I couldn't resist snapping a photo so y'all could see my sweet helper, all dressed and ready to assist.

Saturday, July 12, 2008

Maggie and Mama


(Maggie was concerned about her...ahem...double chin. Until I pointed out that I have one, too. Oh, and the matching aqua-colored blouses? No accident there, as anyone who knows me even a little bit will not be surprised to hear.)

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Family Tree

For AllyJo, because I don't blame her for being confused. ;)

My dear husband Stan and I, just before Lucy was born.

Me again, and Lucy.

My two oldest daughters, Libby and Emma, from my first marriage.

James, one of our twins.

Maggie Rose, James' twin sister.

Benjy, our second son.

Sophie, our fourth daughter.

Emma, Amy in stroller, Libby, and John--Amy's father and Libby's Intended.

John and Libby's daughter Amy, our first grandbaby.

Lucy, our youngest, born just five days after Amy (and yes, it was fun being pregnant together!).
I know it's hard to remember who is who, even I have a hard time getting everyone's names right. "Lu-Mag-EMMA!!" :D

Friday, June 13, 2008

Libby and Newly Born Amy--Summer '07

My oldest precious child, and my first sweet grandbaby-girl.
She's a terrific mama, everyone agrees. :)

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Funny, this bed doesn't belong to either one of those children.
Do you play Musical Beds at your house, too?


Having a cold.
Having a cold and wanting a Subway sandwich.
Having a cold and having a Subway sandwich, but not being able to taste it.
Having a cold and not being able to taste the Subway sandwich, but still being able to taste the nasty, icky stick-um on the backs of envelopes.

Baby Buddies June '07

This is my daughter and I, with our new little ones, born just five days apart. You can see that Lucy has a bit of jaundice, but it doesn't seem to be bothering her. Love the under-eye circles--not.

For Christy, the Queen of Shampoo

This is Sophie, bringing me what's left over from my Subway sandwich, shortly after Lucy was born, June '07. Food never tastes as good as it does right after having a baby. Yum!

Another Pic From Lucy's Birth Day

I'm pretty sure this is from the night she was born, but I'm kind of confused, because she was born at 11:25, and the clock on my nightstand says 11:00. But I don't always remember to change my clock right away for Daylight Savings, so that might explain it!

And Yet Another Birth Day Pic

The proud Papa, just minutes after birth. He was exhausted, can you tell? LOL!
(That's my awesome midwife in the background.)

Sunday, June 8, 2008

All Work and And No Play...

Doesn't fly around here. ;)

For Anyone Who Finds Me Here

You can also find me here:


I Have a Code Id By Dose

Ad id would be really great if I had wud of deeze.

Because He's Just So Cute

My happy Christmas boy last December, wearing his new dinosaur footie jams and a fun elephant hat, both presents from Grandma Suzanne. Thanks, Gran!